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The Rise of the Data Stewards

  • Bergen, Vestland Norway (map)

It is our great pleasure to end Open Access Week 2022 with a session dedicated to research data and its FAIRly new superheroes: the data stewards and their role as experts in data handling throughout all phases of the data life cycle.

In this session we will look at the data steward from a few different angles:

Live Håndlykken Kvale will give a short presentation of the project “Competence framework for research data support” (Kompetanserammeverk for forskningsdatastøtte) a project that aims to map what skills are needed to meet the needs of data stewards.
Nils Pharo will give us his thoughts on a possible data steward study program at the OsloMET library and information studies
Tereza Kalova from the University of Vienna will talk about engaging on their data support program and overall research data management strategy
Korbinian Bösl from BioMedData will present their experiences with and their plans for a data steward education and certification
Data managers from Utrecht University will give two presentations: One about their research data service, and the other about their YOUth data collection program
Each presentation will last for about 10 minutes and the session ends with a plenary discussion about the role of the data steward.

Event organizers:

Dag-Even Martinsen Torsøe, USN,

Ane Møller Gabrielsen, NTNU,

Jenny Ostrop, UiB,

Live Håndlykken Kvale, UiO,

Lene Elisabeth Bertheussen, NTNU,

Sondre Strandskog Arnesen, HVL,

As part of this year’s International Open Access Week, several Norwegian academic libraries present a number of events with topics related to open publishing, open science and data sharing. All events are digital and open to anyone interested.

October 28

Open Science and Open Data in biomedical research / Scienza Aperta e Dati Aperti nella ricerca biomedica

October 28

10 year of Wikidata